Top 5 Single-Family Home Trends to Watch Out for in 2018
Trends are an excellent way to predict things like homebuyer behavior over the coming months or years. Unlike a fad, which ends quickly, a trend is something that may continue on for 10 or more years. Each year, Fixr conducts a survey of influencers within the building and design industry—those professionals who are helping to shape the trends that impact homeowners and homebuyers alike. This year’s survey results have shown some surprising (and not so surprising) trends that real estate professionals can use to help sell homes more quickly and influence homebuyer behavior. We found this article on RISMedia HouseCall Site and believe it is of interest to our readers: Pay close attention to these five trends to help make the most of all your real estate transactions in 2018:Trend #1- Smart Home Technology

Trend #2- Open Floor Plans

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