Tips for Reviving Your Lawn After Winter
Waking up you lawn can be challenging, and there is added pressure if you want to put a home on the market. Early spring is one of the best times of the year to make your home look great! This busy season coincides with an uptick in activity in the real estate market, making it that much more critical for you to get your lawn back in great shape.
Here are a few helpful tips for reviving your lawn after the beating it likely took this winter:
Feed It Well:
Spring is the most critical time to give your lawn a boost. Winter drags on in many areas of the country, which can deplete a yard come spring. If you find yourself in this situation, try applying a quick-release fertilizer to prepare your lawn for spring. This fertilizer will get to the roots and green up your yard in a few days. However, be cautious when applying a quick-release fertilizer, as putting too much in one spot can kill your grass. Other fertilizer options include slow-release fertilizers that’ll feed your lawn over time. This kind of fertilizer usually comes in granules or pellets that sit on top of your soil. They dissolve over time and provide the best long-lasting energy option for lawns.
Water In the Morning:

Ease Into Mowing:
While your lawn may have grown a little throughout the winter depending on your location, lawns need some time to ease into the spring therefore, refrain from mowing your lawn on a low setting as temperatures go up. Short lawns expose the root system, which can create a stressful situation for the grass. Consider doing a light mow early on in the season to take off the tips of the blades. Doing so will ease your lawn back into the growing season and will help keep it looking great.Start Fighting Weeds:
Homeowners looking to put their home on the market should combat any weeds in their lawn. There are many weed and feed chemicals to help prevent weeds. These mixes often include different fertilizers, so be sure to read the directions so that you don’t give your lawn too much. Locate any problem areas in your yard and consider applying weed control to those areas, as well.Seed Thin Spots:
It’s common for bare spots to appear after a long winter. Immediately care for areas of the lawn that have thinned or are completely bare. These spots can cause problems, not only with weed growth, but also in presenting a beautiful lawn to a prospective buyer. Rake out these spots in your yard and apply a good amount of seed. Give these spots extra water a few weeks after you seed them to encourage new grass roots to take hold. There are many ways to help your lawn come back after a long winter. Mow the grass on a high setting until it has had time to recover, fertilize and water the lawn to boost growth, and be sure to keep weeds away by using preventive measures. Follow all the tips listed above and your lawn will be back to its former glory in no time. Written By: Katie Kuchta, published by RisMedia READ MORE:SEARCH ALL UTAH Homes
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