Best Ski Resorts For Christmas & New Year’s Snow
ZRankings have put together an excellent guide to help you find the best snow during the holidays.
Z Rankings Methodology 1) % of terrain open by December 25. 2) % of winters with half of its terrain open by December 25. 3) Average seasonal snow fall. 4) Likelihood of a prolonged drought.
Steamboat averages 93% of its terrain open by December 25, with only 5% of winters receiving less than half of its terrain open by Christmas Day.
“Steamboat is further helped by the shape of its mountain, which is chock full of mellow slopes that hold snow rather than sloughing it off like the steeper terrain of Snowbird or Jackson Hole.” –ZRankings
Snow Forecast & Report: Steamboat
ZRankings: Top 15 Ski Resort Full List & Descriptions Download the OpenSnow app and stay tuned to our forecasts for the latest weather updates.
Alta Ski Resort Snow– It’s never too early to start planning your next ski trip and that includes the popular time for an early season trip during the Christmas and New Year’s holiday.
With that being said, our friends at Z Rankings Methodology 1) % of terrain open by December 25. 2) % of winters with half of its terrain open by December 25. 3) Average seasonal snow fall. 4) Likelihood of a prolonged drought.
Alta Ski Resort, Utah – Early Season Snow Score → 99.0
Alta averages 96% of its terrain open by December 25, with only 5% of winters receiving less than half of its terrain open by Christmas Day. “For skiers seeking early season deliverance, with a good shot at big-time snow, the opportunities at Alta are nearly unmatched.” –ZRankings Snow Forecast & Report: AltaSteamboat, Colorado – Early Season Snow Score → 95.9
Beaver Creek, Colorado – Early Season Snow Score → 73.8
Beaver Creek averages 80% of its terrain open by December 25, with only 15% of winters receiving less than half of its terrain open by Christmas Day. “Beaver Creek has a deep on-mountain lodging base, and the early-season skiing holidays around Christmas and New Year’s are when that lodging is most full and most expensive—so the resort is extra motivated to ensure that the place is eminently skiable.” –ZRankings Snow Forecast & Report: Beaver CreekZRankings: Top 15 Ski Resort Full List & Descriptions Download the OpenSnow app and stay tuned to our forecasts for the latest weather updates.
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